Declutter, Focus & Grow in Clutter-Free Creative

This live, guided group program focuses on slaying procrastination and completing tasks so you naturally transform into an incredible project manager-including of your own dreams- who can access your vision clearly and delegate powerfully.

Set Yourself Up To Win 90 min Intensives:

Mondays 4-5:30pm EST

Thursdays 10-11.30am EST

Gentle Chair Yoga 2x/week

Decluttering 101

Tuesdays 2-3pm EST

The Space

Mondays 8am EST

Wednesdays 11am-12pm EST

Move the Needle

1st & 3rd Weds of the month 2pm-3pm EST

Monthly Visitor Pass

1:1 Orientation


Exclusive offers & CEO Rise Library of recordings for self-paced learning.

Each session IN CLUTTER-FREE CREATIVE is designed to support ADHDish entrepreneurs and creatives where they *tend* to be challenged.

You’ll get the most out of Clutter-Free Creative if you use the sessions as they’re designed, but you’re free to simply show up and use the group’s energy to spur you to movement.

Set Yourself Up To Win- (90 mins) Guided LIVE by Leah or Alyssa, you’ll use this time to prepare and organize different elements in your life/business so your bills are paid, you’re on time and you’ve thought of everything. You’ll practice prioritizing and mastering the art of being caught up.

Your nervous system + creativity will thank you.

Decluttering 101- (60 mins) On the surface, decluttering can seem simple, but the emotions beneath taking action can make it feel pretty hard. In Decluttering 101 we make a game of simply how many items can you declutter- and literally count (if you want to :)

This playfulness lightens the heavy emotions and inspires you to *finally* deal with those 6-year-old boxes or weeks old piles of mail.

The Space- (60 mins)

This silent hour is for you to do whatever you need to do, knowing you have accountability without interruption.

Move the Needle- (60 mins) Procrastinating on a project? Involved in something with a lot of complicated pieces? Always mean to post on social media or launch that program…but you don’t?

This is your opportunity to sit down and focus on one task or project to move it forward.

Gentle Chair Yoga (30 mins) It’s gentle, and the people attending are seniors making sure they stay active and flexible! Expert yoga teacher Jenia creates a soothing and effective class in just a half hour.

Don’t be fooled, it’s gentle, but you can make it pretty challenging if you want to!


Clutter-Free Creative

*$2850 for the first 3 months, $285/month thereafter (you'll have to sign up separately to continue monthly- this single 3 month purchase will not automatically subscribe you to the monthly membership).

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